Mindfulness is the deliberate act of paying attention to the here and now, with purpose.
“Wherever you go, there you are.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn
How does it feel to be fully present? In those glimmers of time when you feel mind-body-moment connected, and you feel at peace and ease. You have a sense of clarity, simplicity, and belonging. Life happens and you’re not trying to fix, control, or change anything.
It is open awareness and at the same time, letting-go. You’re no longer in your head. You’re not stressed. Your thoughts are not hijacking your experience. You simply are.
You notice your thoughts. You become a witness to the natural happenings of your mind. You’re not avoiding nor numbing. You’re fully awake. You see the metaphorical thought car drive by, and you wave, but you don’t get in.