
1 Park Avenue, Inside Oasis Day Spa, New York, NY 10016


Fun From The Inside Out. Living in the now.

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Fun From The Inside Out. Living in the now.

Heather Edwards FUNWhen I experience fun, I’m free. I’m laughing, playing, and feeling like I’m exactly where I’m meant to be… There’s a lightness, completeness, and connection with someone or something outside myself that transports me to a new place.

It’s an alignment of sorts. An experience of awe, wonder, and curiosity.  I’m no longer in my head. I’m present – right here, right now.

There is a novelty and groundedness with the intricacies and curiosities of the moment. One foot is planted firmly in the safe and familiar, and the other dipping freely into the unknown.

My senses are attuned. I can feel the warmth of the sun on my face and the weightlessness of the wind in my hair. I absorb the freshness of the flowers, trees, and earth with each breath.

I feel connected to beauty and a wider purpose. I seem insignificant and immensely integral to this tapestry of life. I’m uniquely distinct from it and one with it, at the same time.

The low rumble of my Harley, the crispness of the glittering ground beneath my skis, and the thump of each excited foot step exploring unchartered territory remind me of the preciousness of every breath.

I notice everything around me – the shapes, colors and grandeur of the mountains, the architecture of the NYC forrest of buildings, the gentle smile on my husband’s face behind his handlebar mustache.

Heather Edwards FunIt is complete and total presence. It’s sublime. It’s time passing without my knowing it. It’s my life history in the making. It’s yesterday’s future, and tomorrow’s past.

Eleanor Roosevelt said – “Do one thing everyday that scares you.” I try to live by that, at least once in awhile. It makes me grow. It is living authentically. It’s not just surviving, it’s thriving at the pinnacle of existence. When it both excites me and frightens me, I know I need to pursue it.

FUN. Inspiration. Flow. Losing track of time. Getting lost in a person, place, or activity that inspires and nourishes you keeps you alive. The latest research proves that FUN develops healthy brain activity, supports learning and memory, and increases our resilience in the face of stress.

Experience joy, humor, and connection from the inside, out – from my heart to yours, and vice versa. It’s healing. It’s life changing. It’s courageous.

Laugh. Cry. Shout. Whisper. Love. Be. Here. Now. Experience life in this and every moment. Find the thing that connects you to your essence. Commit to it. Share it. Live it.

Heather Edwards, LMHC, BCC

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