The Butterfly: In a Time of Loss, a Symbol of Transcendence
Loss. Heartbreak. Tragedy. Despair. It’s felt by millions everyday. Today, it hits my hometown.
I’m moved by the heartfelt Facebook posts of friends, classmates, and neighbors memorializing the life and gifts of a friend, mother, sister, and role model passing on too soon.
Yesterday, she was murdered. Domestic Violence claimed her life. It’s a senseless, tragic misuse of power and control.
According to DomesticViolenceStatistics.org:
- Every 9 seconds in the US a woman is assaulted or beaten.
- Around the world, at least one in every three women has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime. Most often, the abuser is a member of her own family.
- Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women—more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined.
- Studies suggest that up to 10 million children witness some form of domestic violence annually.
- Nearly 1 in 5 teenage girls who have been in a relationship said a boyfriend threatened violence or self-harm if presented with a breakup.
- Everyday in the US, more than three women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends.
We can end the cycle of abuse. There is support for women and children in violent relationships.
Domestic violence is predictable and stoppable.
Know the signs. Know the resources available. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or to help a friend in need.
The National Domestic Violence Hotline can be reached at 1-800-799-SAFE or www.thehotline.org Services are available 24/7 and are completely confidential. They are provided in 170+ languages.
Calling 911 is always an option for immediate intervention. Your local domestic violence agency offers resources for counseling, shelter, and legal support. Safety, privacy, child custody, and the emotional fallout are just a few of the ways these services can help.
Stop living in fear. You have power. Safety is a phone call away. Step up. Step out. Embrace courage, hope, and belief. A better life is waiting for you.
Abuse takes many forms – emotional, physical, sexual, and financial. If you feel afraid of your partner or avoidant of certain subjects; if you believe that you deserve to be hurt or mistreated; if you wonder if you’re the one who’s crazy; or if you feel helpless and numb to the pain and fear – then you are in an abusive relationship. Leave now. Get help.
Domestic violence does not discriminate. It happens in heterosexual and same sex relationships, all ethnicities, religions, ages, and socio-economic levels. It is a crime. Everyone deserves to be safe. That includes you.
Today, I changed my Facebook background picture to a Butterfly. She’s gentle, fragile, beautiful. She’s a symbol of vulnerability, independence and transformation.
Transcending. Metamorphosis. Soul. Love. Rebirth. Divine Feminine. Purpose. The journey of freedom from the past to our new higher self.
For all those who have passed on too soon, she soars in honor of you in peace, harmony, and hope for a better tomorrow.