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Psychology Today Article… Getting Unstuck: Revitalize Your Professional Self… Six Ways to a Better Job.

Heather Edwards Mental Health Counseling / Articles  / Psychology Today Article… Getting Unstuck: Revitalize Your Professional Self… Six Ways to a Better Job.

Psychology Today Article… Getting Unstuck: Revitalize Your Professional Self… Six Ways to a Better Job.


This article is published in Psychology Today by Heather Edwards and Mark Banschick.  It is entitled, “

Getting Unstuck: Revitalizing Your Work Life

Five Ways to a Better Job”.


Let’s face it.  We’ve all been there, running full speed

in the hamster wheel of work-exhaustion and

discontent. Job dissatisfaction can bring you down

and effect all areas of your life, if it is not addressed.

People often feel burned out and under-appreciated

at work.   “I feel so disrespected.”, “I’m bored with my

job and I deserve a promotion.”, “I’m overwhelmed, I

don’t enjoy my work anymore.”, are pretty common

expressions of burn out.  These are obvious

indicators that it’s time for a career make-over.  If you

put in the time, effort, and soul searching required,

you can create the career you want!  It seems like a

daunting task, but the alternative is not an option.

How does one turn that formidable rodent wheel of

work exhaustion into the grand Ferris Wheel of job

and life fulfillment?  Here are a few tips for re-defining

your professional self and getting on your way to a

purposeful and inspiring career.

Name Your Talents:

What are your special skills and strengths?  Everyone

has strengths!  What are yours?  Notice the

challenges and tasks that you enjoy.  Identify the

activities that give you energy, and a sense of

satisfaction.  Shift your focus to the responsibilities

you savor.  What are the small success within each of

those that you’ve mastered? Use this information to

develop the job description you want.  Consider

industries in which those assets are valued and

sought out.  “Hide not your talents. They for use were

made. What’s a sundial in the shade?” – Benjamin



Identify a few options.   Based on your answers to the

previous questions, what can you do differently

today?  Leverage your successes to ask for what you

want.  Here are a few ideas for how to do so.  Talk to

your boss about gaining more responsibility, or

peruse the internal job postings in other departments.

Consider starting your own business, or begin the

task of updating your resume and exploring external

options.  Perhaps your interests lie in a different

industry altogether.  Whatever your direction, stay

true to yourself.  The more you enjoy your job, the

less it will feel like work!  “Use what talents you

possess, the woods will be very silent if no birds sang

there except those that sang best.” – Henry van Dyke.

Gather Information:

What do you need to know?  You’ve completed the

first steps of career exploration.  Now that you’ve

identified what’s important to you, search out

industries and companies that match those

preferences.  Make a list of your top five target

organizations.  Begin researching their history,

mission, and products.  Go to networking activities,

such as industry conferences or business networking

groups.  Speak with people in those businesses.  Do

your homework to avoid jumping from the frying pan

into the fire!

Training and Education:

Is there a certification or license that would push you

over the next hurdle in your career?  Find out what is

required to achieve it.  If you’re planning to pursue a

different field, explore the education and credentialing

requirements for those jobs.  Collect informational

packets from professional schools and universities

with programs in your area of interest.

Remember, “The journey of a thousand miles begins

with one step.”, Lao Tzu.

Choose a Deadline:

This is a crucial factor in the process of self discovery

and change.  Creating a deadline helps you stay on

track in defining and aligning your path in career

development.  It keeps the journey time limited,

focused, and easier to manage by breaking down the

steps into weekly, monthly, and/or annual goals.

What do you want to accomplish by the end of this

week, this month, or this year?  Write it down.  Share

your intentions with others.  Accountability to yourself

and those you love will provide the structure and

support necessary to follow through on your plans.

Self Care:

Throughout the process, be good to yourself.  Job

hunting and career development can be

overwhelming!  Maintain life balance.  Establish

healthy boundaries.  Spend time with friends, family,

exercise, and have fun.  Be patient.  In the words of

Buddha, “There is no path to happiness: happiness is

the path.” So continue to embrace and be grateful for

the things you cherish.

Heather Edwards, LMHC, BCC

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