3 Ways to Make the Law of Attraction Work for You
You got the inside scoop on The Secret.
You know that horrible dream where you’re in class and its exam day but you forgot to attend school all semester? You’re in a panic because you’re not prepared! Well, you might feel panic now as you realize The Secret, on its own, doesn’t work. The universe isn’t manifesting your dreams without a little kick.
The Law of Attraction isn’t enough.
Hello, universe! You practice the Law of Attraction everyday – wishing, meditating, praying. But you’re intentions haven’t manifested! Well, it’s not surprising. What the experts didn’t tell you is that the Law of Attraction is only part of the better-life-equation.
There is power in positive thinking.
That’s been proven. It helps to restructure our brain and trigger the flow of feel-good hormones. No one can argue that! A positive mindset helps everything you do.
Neuroscience studies show that it prompts your body to function in ways that keep you healthy. Positive Psychology shows that being engaged in positive ways creates a sense of well-being and happiness. Both are necessary for success.
Awesome, right? But – where is your Corvette, book deal, or beach house?? Why isn’t the universe delivering your intentions? You have clarity. You called in very specific requests. But no one’s answering!
1. It takes more than belief – The Law of Attraction requires your engagement.
Realistic anticipation. Planning. Action. Flexibility. There will be obstacles and pitfalls. Be ready for them. Troubleshoot. Problem solve. Adapt. Consider what could go wrong. Explore those possibilities and prepare.
“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.” William Arthur Ward.
2. Stress keeps you moving forward.
Healthy stress keeps us motivated. When we visualize our future selves with our goals attained, it feels good but it reduces the drive we need to persevere. It’s necessary to know the details of exactly what you want and how you’ll feel when it’s manifested – but don’t get too comfortable in your future-self-perfect-life-fantasy. Use that uncomfortable edge to keep focused and choose an action everyday to inch closer to your dream.
“A man who procrastinates in his CHOOSING will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance.” Hunter S. Thompson
3. The feeling is the reward.
Instead of focusing on the desired material, focus on the desired feeling. That thing you want might not bring you the feeling you want.
If you want happiness, focus on experiences and ideas that make you feel good. If love is what you want, focus your energy on gratitude for the loving people in your life and in the world. If freedom is what you want, notice when and with whom you can let your guard down and be yourself, completely. Brainstorm ways to manifest those situations and experiences.
“There is no path to happiness; happiness is the path.” – Buddha
You have to believe to achieve.
The song, “When you wish upon a star” was written for Pinocchio. Here are a few lyrics, “Makes no difference who you are. Anything your heart desires, Will come to you…Like a bolt out of the blue. Suddenly, it comes to you. When you wish upon a star, Your dreams come true…”
The sentiment is genuinely heart-warming. But few can say they’ve received their heart’s desire by simply wishing. Even Pinocchio earned his dream through acts of bravery, truth, and selflessness.
Now, back to class and the universe. You’re not going to pass that exam, make Dean’s list, or get into grad school without preparation. That Corvette won’t manifest without realistic planning and actionable steps. So get ready to actualize your dreams with the power of intention, persistence, and massive action. Go!
Photos courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net. Space by Stuart Miles, Choices by Renjith Krishnan, Countryside by Dan.