
1 Park Avenue, Inside Oasis Day Spa, New York, NY 10016


Author: Heather Edwards

Heather Edwards Mental Health Counseling / Articles posted by Heather Edwards (Page 12)

Psychology Today – Regret: 8 Ways to Move On

Regret, Feeling Stuck and Breaking Free Post published by Mark Banschick M.D. on May 01, 2015 in Psychology Today. Whoopsie!  You screwed up royally. You behaved in a way that negatively impacted you, a situation, or the people you love. You can’t let go of the guilt and self loathing for what you did. You believe you must be a bad person. You’re feeling stuck, undeserving of love and happiness, and downright fraudulent. You’ve convinced yourself you’re a monster. The negative thoughts and feelings that accompany the memories of that-thing-that-you-did are creating more problems. You’re damaging yourself – your low self worth causes increased stress and depression. You’re damaging your relationships – believing you don’t deserve to be loved actually builds walls between you and the people most important in your...

Heather Edwards Coach

Courage. Flow. Abundance.

Through the years of my practice, people have asked me how I do the intensive work that I do. This question perplexes me. I wonder the opposite.  How could I not do what I do? I am inspired by the healing, wanting, dreaming, changing, and transforming that happens in the therapy and coaching room everyday.  The person who leaves my office is not the same person who entered it 45 minutes earlier. They have a new insight, idea, peace, or focus to carry with them into the world. Yes, it is sometimes difficult work. And always challenging. It ebbs and flows.  But when you meet someone where they are, whether it's a high point or low one, it validates them. It invites them to go somewhere else...


Spring Cleaning: Manifesting your ideal self

The frozen earth thaws. The snow turns to water nourishing the budding trees and sprouting crocus.  The first signs of spring emerge.  A renewed energy bursts forth. The spring warmth comes, albeit overdue. It’s been a long, cold winter in New York City. If you’re anything like me, you’re longing for the sunny, carefree days ahead. Oh, but wait - we have a tons of work to do. That mountain high to-do list is staring us in the face like the one-eyed-one-horned-flying-purple-people-eater!  It seems monstrous, right? Well, even that purple people eater made his wish come true, according to Sheb Wooley. Most of us are results-driven-future-seekers.  We fast-forward to the end. Our long term goal is crystal clear - whether its earning more money, losing weight, or living a healthier lifestyle....


Got Regret? 8 Tips to free yourself from emotional prison

Whoopsie!  You screwed up royally.  You behaved in a way that negatively impacted you, a situation, or the people you love.  You can’t let go of the guilt and self loathing for what you did.  You believe you must be a bad person.  You’re feeling stuck, undeserving of love and happiness, and downright fraudulent. You’ve convinced yourself you’re a monster. The negative thoughts and feelings that accompany the memories of that-thing-that-you-did are creating more problems.  You’re damaging yourself - your low self worth causes increased stress and depression.  You’re damaging your relationships - believing you don’t deserve love builds walls between you and the people most important in your life - it blocks genuine intimacy. You’re damaging your career, health, spirit, and future happiness by holding...


Psychology Today: Overcoming Fear

This article was featured in Psychology Today on January 7, 2015.  Click here to see it on PT!   Get Past Your Fear:Psychology 101 teaches students everywhere that besides food, water, and air, the most basic of human needs is SAFETY. Just watching the news can be traumatizing.  News and media build their audience by sensationalizing real and/or perceived threats to their viewers’ personal and public safety. We’re easily captivated by the shock and horror of natural disasters and man’s relentless capability to commit heinous acts (like terrorism or videos of beheading etc.).Headlines can scare us, like the recent massacre in Paris. They grab our attention, shake us up, anddare us to let go. We must be able to learn what we need to know, and yet live our lives. Our psyche...


Psychology Today – Power Thoughts that Change Lives

This article was originally published in Psychology Today on January 4, 2015.  Click here for link! Making a Fresh Start: Whether you kicked metaphorical a** or languished in distraction and misdirection, a fresh start for an abundant life is on the horizon. In fact,everyday offers a real opportunity. So, let's get ready for new beginnings with this new year. Let go of the frustrations, pitfalls, or unexpected roadblocks that occurred in 2014.  If it was a good year, use your accomplishments – no matter how small or seemingly mundane – as fuel for a BREAKTHROUGH year in 2015. The Power of Intention: EMBRACE intention. BELIEVE that you can and will make steady gains toward a more fulfilled life. Let go of anger, fear, and regret. CHOOSE to focus on the good....


An Abundant Life – Embrace 2015 with a Ninja’s Focus

Whether you kicked metaphorical a** and took down names in 2014, or languished in distraction and misdirection, a fresh start for an abundant life is on the horizon.  In fact, that new opportunity is two days away!  Get ready for new beginnings and a new year.  Let go of the frustrations, pitfalls, or unexpected road blocks that occurred 2014.  If it was a good year, use your accomplishments - no matter how small or seemingly mundane - as fuel for a BREAKTHROUGH year in 2015. EMBRACE intention.  BELIEVE that you can and will make steady gains toward a more fulfilled life.  Let go of anger, fear, and regret.  CHOOSE to focus on the good. Take your POWER back. CHANGE one thing today that will make tomorrow...

Thanksgiving: A Grateful Heart

Thanksgiving is a time of family, tradition, love, abundance, and appreciation. It’s celebrated nationwide annually by all cultures and religions, and in other countries on different days in different ways.  Here in the USA, it’s the most heavily travelled day of the year marking it as one of the most popular national celebrations.  For many, it kicks off the holiday season beginning an exciting time of gathering, feasting, and memory making. Our celebration of Thanksgiving began in 1621 at a Plymouth feast prompted by a good harvest.  President George Washington proclaimed the first nationwide Thanksgiving celebration on November 26,1789.  He declared it a day observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many favors received. It’s been an annual tradition in the United States since 1863.  In...

Confidence Coaching – Empowering You

[caption id="attachment_1931" align="alignleft" width="300"] New York Psychotherapy and Life Coaching[/caption] Who hasn't experienced a knot in the stomach, a lightheaded feeling, or tunnel vision in the moments before a performance, important meeting, or unfamiliar situation? Nobody!  Whether you’re giving a talk, playing a song, or simply networking – stage fright is a very real thing.  Self confidence is at risk.  It is stifling to believe you didn't measure up or worse, you let someone down.  It can stop you from stretching to new heights and leave you longing for your safe zone – which might prompt a counterproductive step back to avoid the new challenge. Create your intention.  Recall moments you felt fully competent.  Tap into that feeling emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and viscerally.  Allow your consciousness to absorb all those positive thoughts, feelings,...

Unleash Your Curiosity and Creativity

Ever wonder where inspiration and innovation come from? How does one expand their awareness and stretch their imagination to new heights? What happens when curiosity is unleashed?  What if no barriers existed - financial, temporal, spiritual?  What if your inner critic was quieted? Neuroscientists have demonstrated that indulging your curiosities through all five senses can strengthen the positive neural pathways responsible for greater awareness, improved mood, and a natural predisposition to experiencing positivity more easily and more often. Use your gifts of taste, touch, sight, smell, and hearing to fully experience your surroundings and engage your imagination. This is where genius is born. This is where freedom exists. "The five senses are the ministers of the soul." -  Leonardo da Vinci. Indulge your curiosity. Strengthen your creative...