
1 Park Avenue, Inside Oasis Day Spa, New York, NY 10016


Author: Heather Edwards

Heather Edwards Mental Health Counseling / Articles posted by Heather Edwards (Page 15)

Psychology Today – Five Secrets of Highly Successful People

This article is published in Psychology Today by Mark Banschick and Heather Edwards.  It is entitled, "5 Tips for Success". Everyone has a unique life story. Family traditions, religious beliefs, and cultural norms differ and converge in a myriad of ways across people and places.  We embody our personal experiences and take them with us, wherever we go. We use our history as a road map through life. What's familiar is comfortable and predictable.  The downside is, it can keep us stuck in old patterns that hold us back. What if you took the road less travelled?  What if you could shed the part of your life story that is holding you back while developing those that propel you forward?  Well, you can!  Recalibrate the GPS.  Follow...

Psychology Today – Difficult Divorce? 6 ways to get unstuck.

This article, "Difficult Divorce? 6 Ways to Get Unstuck. - Divorce can work out for the best.", was originally published on November 19, 2013 by Mark Banschick, M.D. and Heather Edwards, LMHC in Psychology Today.  It addresses the basic feelings of grief, anger, and fear in divorce followed by self care and planning for a better life. Read further for tips on how to navigate this challenging life transition...

Design Your Best Life

Each of us has a unique life story. We come from different families, places, and generations. Our circumstances effect and shape who we are and become. Personal experiences are part of us, wherever we go. We use our history to guide us through life. What's familiar is comfortable and predictable. Sometimes though, it's not the most helpful. How do we acknowledge and let go of the part of our life story that holds us back? How do we flourish, soothe, and celebrate our truly unique, special, and amazing potential?    Answer the following questions to help clarify your strengths, challenges, and life goals.  Begin to design your best life. 1. When do I shine? There are times, situations, places, and environments where we shine! Notice when you...

Psychology Today – Getting Unstuck: Kick Starting Your Marriage

This article is published in Psychology Today by Mark Banschick and Heather Edwards. When your relationship needs repair...

Making Up For Time Lost: 5 Tips for Getting Back in the Game

I just lost a week of productivity due to "acute pharyngitis", which is the medical term for a sore throat. Normally, one would carry on, ignore it, and complete one's typical activities with minor discomfort. Not me. My sore throat felt like seven samurai swords incessantly scraping my trachea with a splash of hot sauce and 40 grit sand paper for gauze. When experiencing this type of pain, things such as work, exercise, conversations, smiles, and wakefulness all come a bit harder. In fact, the only thing that feels natural is lying down and feeling sorry for yourself. Sleep even hurts. Now it's Monday, a week later. I'm in panic mode and have a lot of sh*t to get done. Since it's time to put...

Psychology Today – Getting Unstuck: The Toxic Relationship

...This article is published in Psychology Today by Mark Banschick and Heather Edwards. We've all heard the term "toxic relationship".  What does it really mean? Let's break it down.  Something that is toxic is poisonous, causes death or debilitation, and drains energy and life.  Snake venom is toxic.  Asbestos is toxic.  Some bacteria are toxic.  A relationship is the state of being connected, associated, or related to one another.  It can take the form of afriendship, a family member, a spouse, or a romantic partner. A difficult relationship may trap you because these tendencies may have started as early as childhood, according to Psychology Todaybloggers, Rosemary K.M. Sword and Philip Zimbardo. Regardless of the degree of toxicity in your relationship - if it’s unhealthy it’s time to fix it, or get out of it!   So how do you know if your relationship is toxic?  Consider...

Jobs 101: The Ultimate Search Simplified

We've all run full speed ahead in the hamster wheel of work-exhaustion and discontent, at times. Job dissatisfaction can bring you down and effect all areas of your life, if it is not addressed.  People often feel burned out and under-appreciated at work.   "I feel so disrespected.", "I'm bored with my job and I deserve a promotion.", "I'm overwhelmed, I don't enjoy my work anymore.", are pretty common expressions of burn out.  These are obvious indicators that it's time for a career make-over.  If you put in the time, effort, and soul searching required, you can create the career you want!  It seems like a daunting task, but the alternative is not an option.  How does one turn that formidable rodent wheel of work...

Psychology Today Article… Getting Unstuck: Revitalize Your Professional Self… Six Ways to a Better Job.

This article is published in Psychology Today by Heather Edwards and Mark Banschick.  It is entitled, " Getting Unstuck: Revitalizing Your Work Life Five Ways to a Better Job".   Let's face it.  We've all been there, running full speed in the hamster wheel of work-exhaustion and discontent. Job dissatisfaction can bring you down and effect all areas of your life, if it is not addressed. People often feel burned out and under-appreciated at work.   "I feel so disrespected.", "I'm bored with my job and I deserve a promotion.", "I'm overwhelmed, I don't enjoy my work anymore.", are pretty common expressions of burn out.  These are obvious indicators that it's time for a career make-over.  If you put in the time, effort, and soul searching required, you can create the career you want!  It seems like a daunting task, but...

Turn Chaos Into Calm: Five ways to create a Zen day

Whether there are too many obligations or too much stress, feeling anxious and overwhelmed can bring your productivity to a screeching halt.  When the stakes are high, the last thing you need is low focus and low motivation.  Our bodies are designed to protect and preserve our well-being.  But when stress is prolonged and our sympathetic nervous system (SNS) takes over, it can have negative effects on our health and peace of mind.   The fight-or-flight reaction that our SNS creates to keep us safe from danger actually causes panic like symptoms including, short & shallow breaths, tightening of the muscles, increased heart rate, and intensified negative emotions in preparation for survival.  When this happens, we're lit up like a billboard in Times Square on New...

Psychology Today Post – Getting Unstuck!

My latest blog in collaboration with Dr. Mark Banschick, Getting Unstuck - Eight Ways to Get Your Mojo Back, published in Psychology Today.   Life takes twists and turns. Just when it seems you've figured things out, that metaphorical rug can get yanked out from under you. It can leave you spinning and wondering which way is up...