
1 Park Avenue, Inside Oasis Day Spa, New York, NY 10016



Heather Edwards Mental Health Counseling / Relationships (Page 2)

Psychology Today – Saying Goodbye to Hurt

Lingering resentment from things that have gone wrong is hard to shake. Whether it’s the result of a bad break up or a job loss, it’s best to find some resolution. It would be wonderful if we all got exactly what we wanted, and when we wanted it.  But, the hard truth is that good things often take a lot of time and usually a few set backs along the way. Once you’ve made a strong commitment and things still don’t work out, how do you pick up the pieces and carry on?  To find your center again, you'll have to muster the strength to let go of negative feelings and shift your attention to a world that is more positive. So, how do you get that betrayal or toxic...

Psychology Today – The Fire of Love

Do You Want A Better Love Life?  This article was published on February 12, 2014 in Psychology Today.  It was coauthored by  Mark Banschick, M.D. We all want love. We want to be seen, validated, treasured and wanted. And we want to give. We want the freshness of love to invigorate our lives and put the whole world into perspective. Love is more than sex…more than adoration…more than warm memories. It is alive and vibrant, like a warm fire on a cold winter’s day. Keep it stoked and it stays alive. Let it lie fallow, and don’t expect it to last. With winter upon us, we've teamed up with guest blogger Heather Edwards about kindling more love in your life. Good things need attention – it’s a lesson about happiness. A Day of Love  Consider...

The Four Horsemen vs. The Michelangelo Effect

The problems are obvious.  What are the solutions? Sometimes the key to discovering what works best in a relationship is evaluating and eliminating what we know doesn’t work.  We know there are a few scientifically proven actions that destroy relationships.  John Gottman calls these the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”.  So let’s start there. The first is Criticism.  Unless this is constructive with the intent of helping, it’s probably hurtful.  In destructive criticism, couples will attack each other’s personality or character in an effort to prove who is right and who is wrong.  It leaves both feeling angry and dissatisfied in the long and short run.  These statements tend to start with generalizations, and include absolute words like “always” and “never”. The second is Contempt.  In this communication...

Everyday is Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is the day of love notes, red roses, and heart shaped chocolates. Romance is awakened and we feel reconnected.  For centuries, it's celebrated as a day to declare and honor our one true love. Some love it.  Some hate it.  Some just follow the relationship protocol.  There are those who yearn for a special day of gifts, romance, and kindness. There are those who loathe the “Hallmark Holiday”, deeming it contrived and corporate.  There are those who choose not to rock the "love boat" and dutifully follow tradition.  Whether you love it, hate it, or are apathetic to it, it happens every year - and this year its happening 3 days from now.  What's one to do? Imagine removing the pressure of finding the perfect...

Psychology Today – Five Secrets of Highly Successful People

This article is published in Psychology Today by Mark Banschick and Heather Edwards.  It is entitled, "5 Tips for Success". Everyone has a unique life story. Family traditions, religious beliefs, and cultural norms differ and converge in a myriad of ways across people and places.  We embody our personal experiences and take them with us, wherever we go. We use our history as a road map through life. What's familiar is comfortable and predictable.  The downside is, it can keep us stuck in old patterns that hold us back. What if you took the road less travelled?  What if you could shed the part of your life story that is holding you back while developing those that propel you forward?  Well, you can!  Recalibrate the GPS.  Follow...

Psychology Today – Difficult Divorce? 6 ways to get unstuck.

This article, "Difficult Divorce? 6 Ways to Get Unstuck. - Divorce can work out for the best.", was originally published on November 19, 2013 by Mark Banschick, M.D. and Heather Edwards, LMHC in Psychology Today.  It addresses the basic feelings of grief, anger, and fear in divorce followed by self care and planning for a better life. Read further for tips on how to navigate this challenging life transition...

Psychology Today – Getting Unstuck: Kick Starting Your Marriage

This article is published in Psychology Today by Mark Banschick and Heather Edwards. When your relationship needs repair...

Psychology Today – Getting Unstuck: The Toxic Relationship

...This article is published in Psychology Today by Mark Banschick and Heather Edwards. We've all heard the term "toxic relationship".  What does it really mean? Let's break it down.  Something that is toxic is poisonous, causes death or debilitation, and drains energy and life.  Snake venom is toxic.  Asbestos is toxic.  Some bacteria are toxic.  A relationship is the state of being connected, associated, or related to one another.  It can take the form of afriendship, a family member, a spouse, or a romantic partner. A difficult relationship may trap you because these tendencies may have started as early as childhood, according to Psychology Todaybloggers, Rosemary K.M. Sword and Philip Zimbardo. Regardless of the degree of toxicity in your relationship - if it’s unhealthy it’s time to fix it, or get out of it!   So how do you know if your relationship is toxic?  Consider...

Psychology Today Post – Getting Unstuck!

My latest blog in collaboration with Dr. Mark Banschick, Getting Unstuck - Eight Ways to Get Your Mojo Back, published in Psychology Today.   Life takes twists and turns. Just when it seems you've figured things out, that metaphorical rug can get yanked out from under you. It can leave you spinning and wondering which way is up...

Learning to Let Go: Steps to help you handle life’s tough situations

Stress happens! We can all agree to that. But when negative thoughts become burdensome they distract our focus, creativity and productivity. What started as a doubt or regret can turn into overwhelming anxiety. It can take away precious time and energy. Mistakes being replayed over and over in our heads can be dangerous to our thoughts, actions and health. A way to combat this destructive process is to master letting go of the thoughts that are troubling you. It's possible that you can't change the stressful situation but you can change how you think about it. Life isn’t simple and very seldom will everything be worry free, but there is a way to create a larger sense of peace in your life. Taking a moment...