
1 Park Avenue, Inside Oasis Day Spa, New York, NY 10016


goals Tag


Goals from your Soul: 2019

Goals from your soul will make 2019 a breakthrough year! Standing on the cusp of a new year can feel exciting and overwhelming. There’s a lot of pressure in setting goals that you’ll keep - this time. After all, how many have you abandoned in the past? But that doesn’t mean that you should stop setting goals! It means that you need to plan according to your unique talents and values. When you do, they’ll align deep in your core. Personal meaning will keep you committed and focused. When you look back at the year 2018, what happened? Notice the events, interactions, and accomplishments that filled you with energy and a sense of something really meaningful to you. Notice the things that you didn’t love, too....

Mindfulness Psychotherapy New York

Are You a Quitter? 5 steps to get back on track

Did you know that January 12th is, "Quitters Day"? According to research it's proven to be the day that most people begin giving up on their New Year’s resolutions. Other research shows that by the second week in February, 80% of people have resigned their goals to failure. Does this sound like you? Here's how to stop getting in your own way. Use these tips to get back on the horse and gallop through the finish line...

How Failure Hones Your Awesomeness

Are you the kind of person that sets your sights HIGH and then feels defeated, hopeless, and lost if things don’t work out? Sometimes, it seems downright impossible to get what you want. Failure hurts on many levels and we can all agree that it doesn’t feel good. The good news is that failure is a natural extension of growing, changing, and expanding. It’s you, stretching and recoiling. You put yourself out there, took a risk, believed in an idea or project, and when it got tough and fearsome, you longed for your safe zone. Let’s take a look at a few of the most influential people in history. Did you know Abraham Lincoln was defeated 8 times for elected positions in politics, lost a job,...

It’s Not Too Late! Set Your Goals for 2016

We’re still in the first half of 2016! But the fourth month & second quarter have begun. Where do you stand with your 2016 goals? If you didn’t write them down, draw them out, or mentally obsess about them, it’s not too late. When you consider celebrating New Year 2017, what do you want to have accomplished? I heard a rumor earlier this year that 2016, according to numerology, is the year of personal development.  So I ran with it. I won’t bore you with my plans, but it helped me shape what is important to me. If you’re still waffling, try out the following tips to start improving your life… Choose one task to do differently each day. Yes, mix up your routine. My yoga teacher...

Audio Blog: Reclaim Your Life

[audio m4a="https://g2v.869.myftpupload.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Reclaim-your-life-1.m4a"][/audio]   Is ego, fear, or someone else’s vision keeping you stuck? You are the expert, master, and keeper of your life. What are your guiding philosophies?  Are you functioning from a place of blame, entitlement, lack, fear, and greed? Or from a position of responsibility, abundance, wealth, courage, and charity? And I’m not talking about money – but rather about strength, purpose and meaning. Maybe your mind is scattered and unfocused, or it seems too late to change course now. Maybe you forgot to ask questions and push back a little along the way. Perhaps what you want seems unobtainable. Maybe you’ve never been a lucky person, or there’s too much burdening you to see the possibilities. Our perspective is much like a camera lens. Sometimes we need to stop to...

Start Your Day Right: 3 Tips for the Perfect Journal Entry

Start your morning right with a journal entry. They say the day is shaped by the tone of your morning ritual. So make it productive, uplifting, and grounding. There are many benefits of journaling. It's an emotional cleanse, a refocusing on the positive, and a reminder of your purpose and vision.  Try these tips to maximize the potential for your day and to keep you on target with your goals...

Heather Edwards Life Coach

5 Tips for a Juicy, Gorgeous Life

Let’s face it! You’re bored with the status quo. You’re an adventure-seeker-happiness-freak-self-improvement-junkie.  (No offense intended. I’m one, too!) So, put the needle on the record. Let's pump up the volume! Here are five tips you can start today to create the life you want… Shift your routine. The same ole only maintains what you already have.  Mix it up! Stir the pot. If you're reading this blog, you're ready for something new. Identify one action that could change the outcome of your day. Decide to get up 30 minutes earlier. Start your day with a journal entry, meditation, or work out. Unplug at a reasonable time. Whatever you choose to enact will change your trajectory. Embrace one goal that stretches you. See it through.  What area of your...

Heather Edwards Psychotherapist Coach

10 Tips for Gaining Clarity on ANYTHING

If you’re anything like me you struggle with staying on task.  In this immediate-gratification-digital-world it’s a challenge to sustain focus on anything for any uninterrupted amount of time. The average attention span is estimated to be about five minutes long for a two year old child, and up to 20 minutes in older children and adults. Just guessing - but it will probably take you longer than 20 minutes of focused attention to achieve your dreams.  Try out these 10 tips for clearing and clarifying your mind.. Establish a Morning Ritual:  What you do in the morning sets the tone for the day. Begin each day with 10 minutes of nurturing self care.  Stretch, breathe, meditate, or read a few pages of a self improvement book.  See how...

Heather Edwards Psychotherapist and Coach

5 Tips to Reclaim Your Life.

Is ego, fear, or someone else’s vision keeping you stuck? You are the expert, master, and keeper of your life. What are your guiding philosophies?  Are you functioning from a place of blame, entitlement, lack, fear, and greed? Or from a position of responsibility, abundance, wealth, courage, and charity? And I’m not talking about money - but rather about strength, purpose and meaning. Maybe your mind is scattered and unfocused, or it seems too late to change course now. Maybe you forgot to ask questions and push back a little along the way. Perhaps what you want seems unobtainable. Maybe you’ve never been a lucky person, or there’s too much burdening you to see the possibilities. Our perspective is much like a camera lens. Sometimes we need to stop to adjust...

Heather Edwards Psychotherapist and Coach

3 Ways to Make the Law of Attraction Work for You

You got the inside scoop on The Secret. You know that horrible dream where you’re in class and its exam day but you forgot to attend school all semester? You’re in a panic because you’re not prepared!  Well, you might feel panic now as you realize The Secret, on its own, doesn’t work. The universe isn’t manifesting your dreams without a little kick. The Law of Attraction isn’t enough. Hello, universe! You practice the Law of Attraction everyday - wishing, meditating, praying.  But you're intentions haven’t manifested!  Well, it's not surprising. What the experts didn't tell you is that the Law of Attraction is only part of the better-life-equation. There is power in positive thinking. That’s been proven. It helps to restructure our brain and trigger the flow of feel-good...