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psychology Tag

Heather Edwards Mental Health Counseling / Posts tagged "psychology" (Page 5)

5 Steps to Happiness Through Xin – Heart & Mind

The quest for health and happiness today seems like an uphill battle. Each day, the national and international issues gracing our headlines challenge the equilibrium of our hearts and soul. Breaking news alerts of yet another terrorist attack, policemen murdered in cold blood, and the battle between Trump and Clinton for the White House burdens our psyche, sending shock waves through our collective central nervous system. It’s unnerving and overtime, with repeated acts of horror and chaos, it depresses our sense of peace, love, and hope for a better tomorrow. We’re further misaligned by our own personal demons. Whether it’s illness, relationships, or finances each of us has a complexity of individual struggles. At times, it’s overwhelming. Let’s go back to base camp. Hit the reset...

Neuroscience, Narcissism, & Humanism

Have you ever had an experience that was so attuned to your core essence that you felt completely content, aligned, and inspired? Well, the Psychotherapy Networker Symposium did just that. This year, neuroscience and attachment theory for healing were the stars of the show - along with other hot topics in psychotherapy like story telling, yoga, & power posing. It fed my intellectual appetite and at times, felt like being a kid in a candy shop - I was joyfully shoving colorful treats into my mouth, riding the sugar buzz, and continuously craving more! It was Willy Wonka minus the little blue men and scary boat scene. Just the good stuff - lots of candy & neuroscience! Sex, intimacy, and the Tango were keynote subjects. Susan Johnson, EdD, the developer...

Psychology Today: 5 Ways to Happiness

Time to get inspired. 5 Ways to Happiness. This Psychology Today piece is by guest blogger: Heather Edwards. It is meant as wind behind your sails. It's poetry, an action plan and modeling. And, yes, it's time to get going. -------- Throughout the years, people have asked me how I do the intensive work that I do. This question perplexes me. I wonder the opposite. How could I not do what I do? Power Of Inspiration: I am inspired by the healing, wanting, dreaming, changing, and transforming that happens in the therapy and coaching room everyday. The person who leaves my office is not the same person who entered it 45 minutes earlier. They have a new insight, idea, peace, or focus to carry with them into the world. Yes, it is sometimes difficult...

When Did Life Get So Hard? 10 Reasons Why & What to do …

1. When you stopped believing you are worthy - and quit taking inspired action. Tune into what you value about being you and write it out. Give yourself credit. If you don’t see it, who will? Dig deep into your core self and embrace what matters most. 2. When hardship took over - and you stopped leading with your heart. You gave up your power and lost trust that things will get better. Like a Tsunami of overwhelming emotion, things may seem unbearable now but, this too shall pass. 3. When you started avoiding, numbing, or ignoring the pain - you dampened the opposite, too - joy, love, & positivity. You must tolerate the darkness to see the stars. 4. When you forgot the glass was beautiful -...

It’s Not Too Late! Set Your Goals for 2016

We’re still in the first half of 2016! But the fourth month & second quarter have begun. Where do you stand with your 2016 goals? If you didn’t write them down, draw them out, or mentally obsess about them, it’s not too late. When you consider celebrating New Year 2017, what do you want to have accomplished? I heard a rumor earlier this year that 2016, according to numerology, is the year of personal development.  So I ran with it. I won’t bore you with my plans, but it helped me shape what is important to me. If you’re still waffling, try out the following tips to start improving your life… Choose one task to do differently each day. Yes, mix up your routine. My yoga teacher...

Bipolar Awareness Day!

Bipolar Disorder is a mental health condition that affects about 5.7 million American adults, or about 2.6% of the U.S. population 18 and older, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. The Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation estimates that at least 750,000 American children and teens may suffer from bipolar disorder also. Bipolar Disorder, formerly known as Manic Depression, is characterized by mood swings that interfere with healthy functioning in some or all areas of life. People living with bipolar disorder have symptoms of depression alternating with symptoms of mania, to varying degrees. The depressive part of the cycle typically includes depressed mood most of the day, significant unintentional changes in sleep patterns, appetite, and/or weight, feelings of worthlessness and guilt, loss of interest or pleasure...

Psychology Today – Better Grades

Here's another Psychology Today publication with Dr. Mark Banschick. This was posted here on January 10, 2016. It's chock full of simple tips for acing your semester! ************************************* You are back from break, and school has been a problem, with too many distractions, friends, sports…sometimes a boyfriend or girlfriend, or even a break-up. It is not working. If you're in college or grad school, no one's supervising, which is great, butwhen you get distracted, it’s all on you. Even if you are in high school, it's best to be self motivated. So, now as you pick up the pieces from last semester and committing to a program of success. Consider some tips from guest blogger,Heather Edwards(link is external). Create a Routine: Establish a study time, place, and structure that works from the start of...

Retrain Your Brain – Better Stress Management

“I can’t take it anymore!” “I need a vacation!” “Maybe I'll sell everything and move to an island!” Have you had similar thoughts?  I know I have. This. Is. Stress. We ALL experience stress. It’s NORMAL in our highly opinionated, fast paced, multi-tasking, master of all domains world. In fact, I just had a perfect storm of stressors in my life that created exhaustion and overwhelm. But I'll spare you those gory details. What is stress??? The dictionary definition is: A state of mental or emotional strain resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. Sound familiar? Your nervous system is activated. This is your fight or flight reaction. All functions aimed at survival take priority. And stress kills, right? Wrong! Research is demonstrating that it's what we do with stress that kills us. When there's a perceived threat in...