
1 Park Avenue, Inside Oasis Day Spa, New York, NY 10016


Author: Heather Edwards

Heather Edwards Mental Health Counseling / Articles posted by Heather Edwards (Page 13)

Toolbox for Health and Happiness

My excitingly educational cousin, Jessi Haggerty, RD asked me to share my toolbox for happiness and stress management during the cool and blustery months of fall and winter. Schedules, expectations, and priorities change with the waning of the long and happy-go-lucky days of summer. It’s an exciting lifestyle shift for many, and an anxiety provoking one for others.  How does one maintain the relaxed, positive glow of summer throughout the other three seasons?  Follow these tips for a quick tune up when your psychic engine starts to sputter… 10. Positive Affirmations.   Look out for #1.  Remind yourself of your worth.  Find a mantra that gives you energy and a forward focus.  I like these… I am basically alright as I am.  I am free to make...

Psychology Today – Saying Goodbye to Hurt

Lingering resentment from things that have gone wrong is hard to shake. Whether it’s the result of a bad break up or a job loss, it’s best to find some resolution. It would be wonderful if we all got exactly what we wanted, and when we wanted it.  But, the hard truth is that good things often take a lot of time and usually a few set backs along the way. Once you’ve made a strong commitment and things still don’t work out, how do you pick up the pieces and carry on?  To find your center again, you'll have to muster the strength to let go of negative feelings and shift your attention to a world that is more positive. So, how do you get that betrayal or toxic...

Glow From the Inside Out: Deliciously Nutritious Tips

The excitingly educational and deliciously nutritious, Jessi Haggerty, RD authored this blog post about simple ways to keep your skin healthy and glowing year round.  She is a Boston based Registered Dietician and Personal Trainer with a decade of experience in the health and wellness industry.  She uses her expertise in weight loss, gastrointestinal disorders, functional movement, yoga, and culinary arts to offer a 360-degree, all around, completely integrated wellness experience.  She tops it all off with a little bit of fun, and whole lot of fabulous to give you one of the most unique, gratifying, and sustainable solutions to long-lasting health around.  Her 10 tips below for prolonging that youthful appearance also aid in mental, physical, and spiritual health to boot! Check them out...

Can Lucy Empower Us? Find YOUR Moxie, Love, and Boundaries

Lucy - “An action-thriller that tracks a woman accidentally caught in a dark deal who turns the tables on her captors and transforms into a merciless warrior evolved beyond human logic.” - Lucymovie.com The trailer for Lucy had me riveted.  The story of a beautiful, limitlessly intelligent, lethally strong woman who can conquer the world effortlessly had Girl-Power written all over it.  I was impatiently awaiting the opening of this new Luc Besson film.  Allure, knowledge, and power embodied by Scarlett Johansson is fodder for women’s empowerment and self esteem.   Unfortunately, there were several flaws in Lucy’s all powerful and all knowing character and storyline.  The first disappointment was when she gave in to Richard’s, her new boyfriend, request to deliver a suspicious briefcase. She refused...


Putting the Brakes on Stress

Have you ever had one of those days where nothing seems to go right?  Maybe you’re rushed in the morning and get a flat tire on your way to work, making you late and stuck in traffic.  Perhaps your bicycle chain pops off in a busy intersection and you miss yoga class due to the time spent fixing it on the sidewalk, you’re stressed and your fingers are covered in black grease.  Or much worse, you get the bad news that a friend is sick and facing the uncertainty of an unknown diagnosis and unclear prognosis. You want to help but aren’t sure how. Sometimes a series of unfortunate events unfold before your eyes, face, and entire being. I won’t bore you with the details of...

Personality Type:  Know Yourself

Personality type has its roots in a psychological theory dating back to the 1920's. The Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung (1875-1961) known for his work on the psyche, ego, personal unconscious, collective unconscious, archetypes, and dream analysis also developed the enduring theory of personality types based on psychological opposites.  Jung and  Sigmund Freud collaborated from about 1907-1909 addressing Freud’s mission of making the unconscious conscious through the practice of psychoanalysis. Jung’s personality theory explains normal differences between healthy people.  He concluded that these differences in behavior stem from inborn tendencies to use our minds in different ways and can be influenced by culture, family, and the environment. Each of us possesses all six characteristics he defined in his personality theory, but we favor one or the other...

Bitter Endings:  How to free yourself of lingering resentment

That lingering resentment from things gone wrong is hard to shake. Whether a bad break up or sudden job loss caused the grief, it’s best to resolve it and move on. Holding onto stress has negative physical, neurological, and emotional consequences.  In a perfect world, we’d all get exactly what we want when we want it...

Psychology Today: The Horror of Addiction

This article written by Heather Edwards was published by Mark Banschick, M.D. in Psychology Today. You found out that a loved one is addicted. You feel desperate, scared, and helpless. Your family is in a state of shock. Nobody knows what to do. The media stories of overdoses, death, and failed attempts at recovery flood your mind. You’re terrified that your friend, brother, or wife will be the next statistic. Suddenly, nothing matters more than knowing your loved one is safe, healthy, and drug free. We’ve all heard of tough love. What this means is being real about the situation. Confront the problem, and your loved one. If you’ve been enabling the drug abuse in any way, it’s time to stop. You may be unaware of the ways in which you’ve actually sustained the problem through your acts of...

Psychology Today: Confessions of an HGTV Addict

Confessions of an HGTV addict and how it mirrors psychotherapy. This is another of my guest blogs published by Mark Banschick, M.D. in Psychology Today.  It's an entertaining twist on the process of psychotherapy and coaching. I admit it. Although most of my waking hours are spent focused on my work, family, and hobbies, my Saturday morning guilty pleasure is watching an episode of Property Brothers, House Hunters, orLove It or List It on HGTV. They’re utterly decadent in this fast paced New York City race to the finish line—which inevitably keeps moving away the closer we get to it! It’s been a few years since this HGTV affliction began—and with the passing of time it doesn’t seem to dissipate. To better understand the fascination and sheer pleasure experienced, I decided to take a closer look...
