
1 Park Avenue, Inside Oasis Day Spa, New York, NY 10016


Author: Heather Edwards

Heather Edwards Mental Health Counseling / Articles posted by Heather Edwards (Page 7)

How Failure Hones Your Awesomeness

Are you the kind of person that sets your sights HIGH and then feels defeated, hopeless, and lost if things don’t work out? Sometimes, it seems downright impossible to get what you want. Failure hurts on many levels and we can all agree that it doesn’t feel good. The good news is that failure is a natural extension of growing, changing, and expanding. It’s you, stretching and recoiling. You put yourself out there, took a risk, believed in an idea or project, and when it got tough and fearsome, you longed for your safe zone. Let’s take a look at a few of the most influential people in history. Did you know Abraham Lincoln was defeated 8 times for elected positions in politics, lost a job,...

Thanks Giving: Donate your coats

Last Saturday, my husband and I were outside enjoying a 70 degree afternoon among the crisp fallen leaves of autumn. It was magical. The warm, full sun cast dancing shadows on the ground through the trees. Acorns, a light cool breeze, and the fresh scent of earth filled our consciousness. It hardly felt like a November afternoon. We were visiting family for an early Thanks Giving. Eight hours later, the wind picked up, the temperature dropped 30 degrees, and sleet began to fall. We were hardly prepared for this dramatic change. We were away for the weekend and he didn’t have a coat. I only had warm-weather shoes and no socks! It was a stark reminder of the brute strength of winter. It called my attention...

Adulthood Sucks… or does it?

Last Friday I was sitting in the dentist’s chair chuckling between tooth jabbings with the hygienist, Jessica. She told me she bought a T-shirt for her friend who's fallen on hard times. It reads, “I'm not a gynecologist but I'll take a look.”. We laughed and I replied that I just bought a T-shirt for my sister that reads, “Sorry I'm late. I didn't want to come.”  We relished each other’s sense of humor & noted how serious adulthood can be, if you let it. And how extra important it is to be silly & have fun, and acknowledge emotional pain and indulge your dreams. Later that day I attended another doctor appointment and then took a long drive out of state to a dear one’s funeral....

Jumpstart Productivity: 7 Tips to Get on Track

Those long lazy days filled with sunlight and flowers are nearing an end. Dawn and dusk last a bit longer as the sun’s angle lowers in the sky. Shadows dance through the trees upon the breeze while the air cools, just a touch. As the gardens wilt and turn to seed, shorts and tee shirts no longer comfort you. Instead, you reach for sweaters and pants each morning and enjoy the crisp new season. You begin looking forward to what autumn brings - change, purpose, and productivity.  While summer will be missed, you know it will come again. It’s bittersweet but the time is nigh to look ahead and plan for your most abundant fall and winter. Here are a few tips to get started on making the...

5 Steps to Happiness Through Xin – Heart & Mind

The quest for health and happiness today seems like an uphill battle. Each day, the national and international issues gracing our headlines challenge the equilibrium of our hearts and soul. Breaking news alerts of yet another terrorist attack, policemen murdered in cold blood, and the battle between Trump and Clinton for the White House burdens our psyche, sending shock waves through our collective central nervous system. It’s unnerving and overtime, with repeated acts of horror and chaos, it depresses our sense of peace, love, and hope for a better tomorrow. We’re further misaligned by our own personal demons. Whether it’s illness, relationships, or finances each of us has a complexity of individual struggles. At times, it’s overwhelming. Let’s go back to base camp. Hit the reset...

Neuroscience, Narcissism, & Humanism

Have you ever had an experience that was so attuned to your core essence that you felt completely content, aligned, and inspired? Well, the Psychotherapy Networker Symposium did just that. This year, neuroscience and attachment theory for healing were the stars of the show - along with other hot topics in psychotherapy like story telling, yoga, & power posing. It fed my intellectual appetite and at times, felt like being a kid in a candy shop - I was joyfully shoving colorful treats into my mouth, riding the sugar buzz, and continuously craving more! It was Willy Wonka minus the little blue men and scary boat scene. Just the good stuff - lots of candy & neuroscience! Sex, intimacy, and the Tango were keynote subjects. Susan Johnson, EdD, the developer...

Psychology Today: 5 Ways to Happiness

Time to get inspired. 5 Ways to Happiness. This Psychology Today piece is by guest blogger: Heather Edwards. It is meant as wind behind your sails. It's poetry, an action plan and modeling. And, yes, it's time to get going. -------- Throughout the years, people have asked me how I do the intensive work that I do. This question perplexes me. I wonder the opposite. How could I not do what I do? Power Of Inspiration: I am inspired by the healing, wanting, dreaming, changing, and transforming that happens in the therapy and coaching room everyday. The person who leaves my office is not the same person who entered it 45 minutes earlier. They have a new insight, idea, peace, or focus to carry with them into the world. Yes, it is sometimes difficult...

When Did Life Get So Hard? 10 Reasons Why & What to do …

1. When you stopped believing you are worthy - and quit taking inspired action. Tune into what you value about being you and write it out. Give yourself credit. If you don’t see it, who will? Dig deep into your core self and embrace what matters most. 2. When hardship took over - and you stopped leading with your heart. You gave up your power and lost trust that things will get better. Like a Tsunami of overwhelming emotion, things may seem unbearable now but, this too shall pass. 3. When you started avoiding, numbing, or ignoring the pain - you dampened the opposite, too - joy, love, & positivity. You must tolerate the darkness to see the stars. 4. When you forgot the glass was beautiful -...

At the Table (Podcast)! With Nutrition Expert Jessi Haggerty

Nutrition experts, Allison and Jessi invited me to join the conversation, "At the Table with Allison and Jessi." At the Table is the love child of two nutrition experts who want to help others improve their relationship with food by making eating a sacred and enjoyable experience again. Allison is a Holistic Nutrition Counselor and blogger behindwww.friskylemon.com. She specializes in empowering people to heal their digestion by creating their personalized healing diet based in the Paleo Diet framework. Jessi is a Registered Dietitian and Personal Trainer who provides an excitingly educational, deliciously nutritious, and slightly sarcastic sustainable approach to food and wellness. To boot, she's my amazing cousin! You can find Jessi on www.jessihaggerty.com In this episode of At the Table, we discuss everything from mindfulness and positive psychology to...